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February 2013 GCSE History Student Conference: Germany 1918 - 1945 Live!

February 2013



Dear Parent/Carer


RE: GCSE History Student Conference: Germany 1918 - 1945 Live!
       London: Tuesday 12th March 2013


We are delighted to be able to offer your son/daughter the opportunity to attend the above GCSE History Student Conference. The conference promises to offer all students the following:


  •  On stage activities; active learning experiences; active teacher-led sessions; key events     brought to life
  •  To gain first hand guidance on how to access the very best grades; dissection of examination questions; exemplar student answers; key examination techniques
  •  Lead historians offering enrichment activities to engage, enthuse and motivate students
  •  Highly relevant to the Edexcel GCSE syllabus our students are following

We have arranged for students to travel to and from London by coach. The overall cost of the trip will be £35.00 which includes the entry fee of £20. Please return slip below with payment cash/wisepay/cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy).


Places are limited and therefore this trip is offered on a first come first serve basis.


Yours faithfully


Sam Stacey

Humanities Tutor


Please return to Student Reception: GCSE History Student Conference: Germany 1918 - 1945 Live!
London: Tuesday 12th March 2013 – S Stacey


Student Name:…………………………………………………………..………………..Date:……………………………………………


I give consent for my child to take part in the above activity.


I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on trips.


I enclose £35.00 Cash/Wisepay/Cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy).




Emergency contact number: ……………………………………………………….