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Parents Consultation Group

Our Parents' Consultation Group provides the opportunity for parents and carers to discuss issues which impact on the development of the Academy.

A key part of our self evaluation process, the consultation group has been designed to be channel for our parents and carers to make suggestions about how we can improve all aspects of the Academy as well as enabling them to play an active part in reviewing our policies and procedures. It is also an excellent way in which our parents can take part in Academy life.

The Parents' Consultation Group has already worked closely with CBA to make changes to the parents' car parking area. It has initiated changes as to how parents are informed about homework and the curriculum on the website.

All parents and carers are automatically members of the consultation group and are welcome to attend the meetings which take place once a term. Parents are asked to submit items for discussion via email and a formal agenda is put together which is worked through at each meeting.

Dates for the meetings will be advertised on the website as well as our termly magazine In Press. The minutes of each meeting are also available in this section of the website.

Please join us at the next meeting and have your say about how we do things here at CBA.