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Read blogs from annual Uganda trip

Head of Sixth Form Kim Isaksen, our Head Girl Ellie Mae Moore and Year 13 student Klaudia Chalubinska were blogging all last week during their trip to Uganda for an international conference.

Head of Sixth Form Kim Isaksen, our Head Girl Ellie Mae Moore and Year 13 student Klaudia Chalubinska were blogging all last week during their trip to Uganda for an international conference.

The group set off on Tuesday, October 30 and reported back from their travels during half term on their blog, which can be read at

This year is the fourth year representatives of Corby Business Academy have travelled to Uganda to take part in the conference at the Discovery Centre.

Mrs Isaksen, Ellie Mae and Klaudia attended the conference along with Ugandan students and other students from the UK. The conference was about world affairs, with topics up for discussion including humanitarian aid and sustainability.