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Countdown To Camp Uganda

Excitement is mounting as the countdown to Camp Uganda begins.

Around 30 students who completed or fully participated in the Read Your Way to Uganda challenge will be camping out in the grounds of CBA for one night next week.

Students were challenged to read the equivalent of 11 Twilight books to earn their place on the camp.

The camp, which was organised to raise awareness of CBA's links with an education centre in Uganda, will include games, an assault course, a camp fire and a barbecue.

There will also be a visit from inspirational storyteller, Francis Firebrace.

Librarian Amy McKay, who is joining three Sixth Formers on the annual trip to Uganda in October, has organised the camp alongside Assistant Vice Principle Kirsty Farrar.

She said: "This is a celebration of students' reading and what they have achieved this year. It's been interesting to see them take the challenge on board. We had a group of Year 8 girls who came to it quite late on but in the last month they have been reading about three books a day and they must have each taken home about 15 books to read over half term. It's worked really well in inspiring them.

"It's helped to raise awareness of the Uganda project throughout the school - we're hoping to help set up a library at the Discovery Centre when we go over there in October so this has made the link between the trip and the importance of reading."

Amy added: "I think the best thing will be singing round the camp fire and the worst thing will be seeing Bernie [Assistant Librarian, pictured] in her pyjamas and hearing her snore."

Future fundraising events for the Uganda trip include a stall at WeldonFest, a darts tournament this Friday at the Grampian Club and the sale of button badges.