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Disaster Response – Tutor Time Programme

Vice Principal Andrea Calendar has launched a new tutor time programme for Year 7 and 8 students in order to help them improve their teamwork skills.

The engaging STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based programme required students to learn about natural disasters and emergency shelters.

The students worked in teams of 4-5 to evaluate and modify existing designs before having a go at designing their own structures. The students were then challenged to build 3 different types of emergency shelters on the field in one hour using straws.

This week the students are evaluating the skills they have used during the programme such as communication, listening, contribution and problem solving. After identify their strengths and weaknesses, the students will set themselves targets to use in their lessons to help improve their weaker skills.

Mrs Calendar said ‘we thought it would be beneficial for our students to get to know one another better and improve their teamwork skills.  I wanted them to see the benefits of working together and show them how much more they could achieve as a team by using each other’s strengths.

‘I am very happy with how the sessions have gone, all. It was a very engaging challenge that stretched the children. They have all contributed to their teams and have a better understanding of their skills and how you can achieve more by working together.

‘I am now hoping to run a programme next term that will be an individual project for the students.’