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Duxford Museum (invitation only) - C Brown

October 2012


Dear Parent/Carer


TRIP DUXFORD MUSEUM – Monday 22nd October 2012


Students will be taking part in a multi sensory workshop activity around aspects of World War 2; a tour of the aircraft is also included.


Students will leave school at 9.00am and return by 3.30pm in time for normal transport. While at the Museum, the students will have the chance to see exhibitions at close hand. 


The total cost for the trip is £4.00 per student.  This may be paid by cash or cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy). Please return slip with payment by Thursday  18th October 2012.  Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis


Students are required to bring a packed lunch unless they are entitled to free school meals. They may bring extra money if they wish to purchase something at the gift shop. 



Yours faithfully


C Brown


C Brown

Form Tutor


To:  Student reception


Duxford Museum – Monday 22nd October 2012. (C Brown)


Student Name:…………………………………………………………..………………..Date:……………………………………………


I give consent for my child to take part in the above activity.


I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on trips.


I enclose £4.00 Cash/Cheque




Emergency contact number: ……………………………………………………….