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May 2013 BHE - Hunterian Museum - S Stacey



May 2013

Re:Hunterian Museum

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 9 students who have opted to study GCSE History are being given the opportunity to visit The Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons and The Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garrett on Friday 12th July 2013.

The day will start at the Old Operating Theatre at London Bridge. This is London’s oldest operating theatre, which was used between 1821 and 1862 in the days before anaesthetic and antiseptic surgery. Here students will observe a demonstration of an operation undertaken by a ‘nineteenth century’ surgeon. Students will sit around the tiered stands of the Operating Theatre (where nineteenth century medical students would have sat and witnessed an operation performed without antiseptics or anaesthetics). Original Victorian instruments are used to perform a (simulated!) amputation of a patient’s leg!

After visiting the Old Operating Theatre, students will be taken by coach to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons. This is an incredible resource available to students who are following the GCSE Medicine Through Time curriculum. One of the oldest medical museums in London, it contains surgical instruments and equipment dating from prehistory to present day, as well as anatomical and pathological preparations reflecting surgical and medical developments through time.  Students will be given the opportunity to look at and handle the exhibits in the museum as well as participate in workshops lead by the Hunterian Education Team.

Both workshops complement the GCSE Medicine Through Time curriculum and will provide an extremely exciting and interesting introduction to their GCSE History course.

Only 25 students can attend which will be on a first come first serve basis. The total cost of the coach and the demonstrations / workshops at the two museums (including entrance fees) is £25.00.

The coach will leave CBA at 7.30am prompt (as the first workshop starts at 10.30am) and we hope to return to school no later than 6pm. Therefore students are expected to be collected from school at the end of the day as there will be no late buses.

Yours faithfully

Mrs S Stacey

Humanities Tutor


Please return to Student Reception by Friday 7th June - The Hunterian Museum - Mrs S Stacey

Student Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………


I give consent for my child to take part in the above activity.  I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on the trip.

I will collect my child from CBA.

I enclose £25.00 cash /wisepay/ cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy)


Signed Parent/Carer:................................................................................................... 


Emergency contact number: ................................................................