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September 2014 Sixth Form - Chrome Book Letter


September 2014


Dear Parent / Carer


In 2013 Corby Business Academy launched a Chrome Book scheme to support the learning of Sixth Form students. This provided all students with the opportunity to purchase a heavily subsidised Chrome Book for academic use.  The scheme has been very successful and the majority of students took advantage, giving them their own portable device to use for studying at home and within the Academy.


The Chrome Book is a small laptop which allows students to access the Academy network remotely.   It provides access to the internet and all school software through the Portal.  These devices are fully integrated into the Academy system and work alongside the existing technology in school. The major advantage is that they promote independently learning outside of the classroom, one of the greatest challenges students have to overcome in the Sixth Form.


Due to the success of the project we are pleased to be extending the offer to our new year 12 intake in September 2014. Corby Business Academy will subsidise the scheme, with the aim of offering devices to students for approximately £100 each. 


To help us plan for this, we will be purchasing some trial devices and consulting existing year 11 students in order to decide on the most appropriate model to meet their needs. In addition, the Academy needs to determine the likely uptake for this offer in order to establish whether it is viable for September 2014. I would be grateful if you could return the slip below.


Yours sincerely


Sam Anderson

Head of Sixth Form

Corby Business Academy



Please return slip to Mrs S Anderson (Sixth Form) RE: Chrome Book Survey


I am interested in an opportunity for my child to have access to a school computer/learning technology to support their learning at home and at school?                                                                  □ Yes                      □ No      


We are eligible for Free School Meals                                        □ Yes                      □ No      


My preferred payment method would be:                 2 payments of £50 □          one off payment of £100   □


I would be interested in attending an information evening to find out more about the scheme            

 □ Yes                    □ No


Signed: ____________________________________Date: _____________________


Parent/carer name: _____________________________________________________


Student name: