Thrilling author shares Everest's secrets
An award-winning writer and film maker with a passion for adventure visited our Academy to mark the end of our summer reading challenge.
An award-winning writer and film maker with a passion for adventure visited our Academy to mark the end of our summer reading challenge.
During the holidays more than 75% of our new Year 7 students took up the challenge to read The Everest Files by Matt Dickinson ahead of his visit to our Academy last week.
Mr Dickinson, who has climbed Everest, gave talks to more than 250 students from Years 7, 9 and 12 and Unit about his book which tells the story of a mysterious Everest expedition.
CBA Librarian Amy McKay said: “Matt was absolutely fantastic.
“He spoke about climbing Everest and gave the students a really good idea of what it is like and the determination it requires.
“Matt told us we were the first school to have run the reading challenge at such a high level and he was really pleased with us.
“The Everest Files is an ambitious title and our Year 7 students rose to the challenge. Even those who struggled with it took part in Session 4 after school activities to help them get to grips with it.”
The winner of the reading challenge was Olivia Kwiatkowska and the runners-up were Grace Welsh and Ben Wheatcroft.
All three will receive a package of books and Olivia will also be invited to name a character in Mr Dickinson’s next book.
To see more pictures from Mr Dickinson's visit click here