Mathematicians get ready for competitions

Our most promising mathematicians are preparing to take on some of the best young minds in the country.
Our most promising mathematicians are preparing to take on some of the best young minds in the country.
Year 13 students Joseph March and Daniel Thompson and Year 12 students Josh Champion and Christian Warren are studying hard for the first round of the Senior Team Challenge which will be held at Loughborough University on November 12th.
CBA Assistant Director of Mathematics Maxwell Sam said: “Our students have been studying past papers and have been working on critical and analytical thinking exercises as a team.
“Our Year 13 students are very strong competitors and our Year 12 students are very promising too so we hope to do well.”
The competition is designed to test mathematical, communication and teamwork skills.
It is run by the Further Mathematics Support Programme in partnership with the UK Mathematics Trust and is sponsored by Rolls-Royce plc.
The majority of our Year 12 and Year 13 mathematicians are also preparing for another competition, the UK Mathematics Trust’s Senior Maths Challenge, which will take place tomorrow.