Curriculum Day prepares students for life after CBA
Our students learned valuable new skills to prepare them for life after CBA during our latest Curriculum Day.
Our students learned valuable new skills to prepare them for life after CBA during our latest Curriculum Day.
Our youngest students took part in a wide variety of physical, creative and scientific activities whilst our Year 9 and 10 students improved their CVs and prepared for their forthcoming exams and took part in a business challenge run by Young Enterprise.
Finally, our Year 11 students took part in work experience placements and our Sixth Formers took part in mock interviews with business leaders and activities to prepare them for life away from home which included sessions on finance and fire safety.
Assistant Principal Jenny Tomlin said: "There was a great buzz of activity around our Academy throughout the event on Thursday.
"The activities on offer provided our students with a great opportunity to develop their business and enterprise skills."
Year 7 and 8 students developed their enterprise skills through a range of themed activities on the 1960s, The Future, Tales of the Unexplained, the Greenbull Challenge and Wipeout.
Wipeout featured physical activities designed to help the students develop their teamwork skills,Tales of the Unexplained was a science based project which examined micro murder mysteries and students had the chance to look at story writing.
The Future included sessions on life on other planets, space travel, futuristic music and science fiction.
The Greenbull Challenge encourage students to use their skills to design and make soapbox go-karts which were entered into races.
Our Academy will host its fourth Curriculum Day later in the year.
To see more pictures from Thursday's event click here