Skiers take to the slopes in Austria

More than 40 students have taken part in Corby Business Academy's popular annual ski trip to Austria.
More than 40 students have taken part in Corby Business Academy’s popular annual ski trip to Austria.
We visited the Oberlungau area of Austria for the first time with a group of 42 students, ranging from Year 8 students to Sixth Formers, during the February holiday.
Ski Trip Co-ordinator Dan Arnold said: “It’s amazing how many students attend the ski trip year after year. They love it and once they have taken part they want to keep coming back.
“Taking part in the ski trip widens the students’ horizons and gives them the chance to see more of the world. Some of the students had never left England before and without school trips like this it might be difficult for them to do so.”
Mr Arnold paid tribute to the students for their excellent behaviour and thanked his fellow staff members, Phil Woolley, Joseph Jordon, Maxine Hopewell and Sarah Dankmeyer, who also took part in the trip.
During the trip the students also took part in a variety of other activities, including swimming, bowling and curling.
Letters about next year’s ski trip will be made available soon.
(Pictured are our students on the trip)