Hundreds of books given away on World Book Day

Our Library gave away 400 books and hundreds of £1 book tokens to celebrate World Book Day.
Our Library gave away 400 books and hundreds of £1 book tokens to celebrate World Book Day.
The books were given away on a first come first served basis and there was a steady stream of students and staff coming through the Library doors throughout the day.
During the event the Library also had a great reception to its first ever Staff Shelfies competition which featured photographs of staff members' book shelves and clues to their owners.
Librarian Amy McKay said: "All schools give away book tokens to celebrate World Book Day but we like to give away books too.
"There was a good selection of books for the students to choose from and most of the books belonged to series which we have in the Library.
"Obviously we are all about loaning books but there is something special about owning a book.
"We also had a great reception to our Staff Shelfies competition. It was a nice way of highlighting the fact that reading continues throughout life."
Year 8 students Kaitlyn Stokes, Taliah Cox and Paulo Metelo were among the students who flocked to the Library during the event.
Kaitlyn, who picked up a copy of Geek Girl: Geek Drama by Holly Smale, said: "I really like the Geek Girl series.
"This is a really good book. I've only just picked it up and I've already read to page 28."
Taliah chose Dork Diaries - How to be a Dork by Rachel Renee Russell.
She said: "I think World Book Day is great because it gets more people to read."
Paulo selected The Diary of Dennis the Menace: World Menace Day by Steven Butler.
He said: "This book is something new for me and I picked it because I thought it might be funny.
"I think World Book Day is good because it encourages people to try new books."
The winner of the Staff Shelfies competition received a signed copy of David Walliams' The Boy In The Dress.
During the event we also submitted our entry for a writing competition run by the Brooke Weston Trust.
Our entry was a beautiful poem by Year 7 student Saskia Culbert called If I Ruled the World.
(Pictured are Year 8 students Kaitlyn Stokes, Taliah Cox and Paulo Metelo with their books on World Book Day)