Academy hosts GCSE PE Conference

Our Academy hosted a GCSE PE Conference for nearly 40 students during the Easter holiday.
Our Academy hosted a GCSE PE Conference for nearly 40 students during the Easter holiday.
Year 10 and 11 students from CBA and our fellow Brooke Weston Trust academies Kettering Science Academy and Thomas Clarkson Academy volunteered to take part in the event which was run by Keynote Educational Limited.
The course was led by Keynote’s David Pryce who has more than 20 years’ experience of teaching and examining GCE and GCSE PE.
CBA Director of Active Amy Harris said: “It gave the students a good opportunity to prepare for their GCSE exams.
“The students looked at how to answer long exam questions, how to answer analysis of performance questions and it helped them to prepare for their moderation day.
“We appreciate that the students gave up time during the holidays to attend the conference. It’s given them a step forward in preparing for their exams.
“It was also a good opportunity for teachers from the three academies to get together and share best practice.”