Take part in summer reading challenge

Our youngest students have been urged to take part in our Transition Reading Challenge during the holidays.
Our youngest students have been urged to take part in our Transition Reading Challenge during the holidays.
Year 6 students who will be joining us in Year 7 in September have all received a copy of Dave Cousins’ latest book, Charlie Merrick’s Misfits in I’m a Nobody Get Me Out of Here! (pictured above).
CBA Librarian Amy McKay said: “This year we have gone for a very accessible book. It is full of cartoons and illustrations and it is incredibly funny.
“At CBA we consider promoting reading for pleasure to be very important and this book makes reading pleasurable.
“The book is about a group of kids who inadvertently end up in a survival camp during the summer holidays and they have three days to make it back to base camp.
“We chose the book after we met Dave when he was the guest speaker at a conference we attended.
“We were blown away by his talk and when we told him about our reading challenge he was happy to get involved.”
Our new students are invited to read the book over the holidays and fill in the accompanying activity sheet they have received.
In September we will run sessions after school during Session 4 to help anyone who is still reading the book.
At the end of Term 1 Mr Cousins will visit our Academy to give a talk to the students.
To help make the transition to senior school easier for our new students our librarians have been visiting our new students at their primary schools.
Amy said: “Our visits gave the students the chance to ask any questions they had about CBA.
“We want them to know the Library is somewhere they can always come for help.”
To access the Transition Reading Challenge activity sheet click here