Students raise hundreds of pounds at Enterprise Sale

Our young entrepreneurs have raised hundreds of pounds for good causes by selling handmade goods.
Our young entrepreneurs have raised hundreds of pounds for good causes by selling handmade goods.
Our latest Enterprise Sale was held last week and students from Unit and mainstream ran a variety of stalls to raise money for causes close to their hearts.
Teacher Caren Brown said: “The Enterprise Sale was a big success and all the students did very well.
“The sale helped our Unit students to develop their mathematics skills, social skills and literacy skills.
“They also enhanced their IT skills because they created promotional material to raise awareness about the event.
“We would like to thank everyone who supported the sale.”
Mrs Brown’s mother Jean Leighton helped our Unit football team to raise £330 for their new kit and life skills activities by donating a variety of her popular hand-knitted toys to the sale.
Students from our PMLD Base raised £95 through their sale of baked goods.
Our Unit Duke of Edinburgh students raised £70 towards a project to redesign the Academy’s sensory garden from a sale of handmade items.
The café raised £46 that will go toward life skills and our students’ hospitality group.
Our Young Enterprise company Happy Hands sold their products during the sale.
The Friends of CBA also raised £340 by organising a raffle with a wide variety of prizes, including a fruit hamper, Christmas hamper, vouchers from local companies and a gift bag from Tata Steel.
Among our visitors were representatives from Stamford New College and Olympus Care, which helps people with additional needs to find employment, who attended the event for the first time.
(Pictured above is our Happy Hands Young Enterprise company which took part in the sale)