New reports will assist parents
Our Academy has improved its Parental Reports to help parents have an even deeper involvement in their children's education.
Our Academy has improved its Parental Reports to help parents have an even deeper involvement in their children’s education.
Our new reports include far more detailed comments that will enable parents to talk to their children about where they can improve further.
The initiative coincides with national changes to the GCSE Grading Structure which will see A* to G grades replaced by 1 to 9 grades.
Vice Principal Paul Wilson said: “We have started adding detailed comments to the reports and the feedback we have received so far from parents has been positive.
“In the past reports tended to focus on numbers. Our new reports include informative comments and ‘Close the Gap’ comments which provide an opportunity for parents to share with their child what they need to improve on to make further progress.
“We support that guidance with a number of resources such as Doddle which contains thousands of resources designed to help raise student attainment and help promote independent learning.
“We believe the more that parents know about their children’s education the more opportunities it gives them to help their child.
“By working together on these areas at home and at school we can make a real difference to our students’ outcomes.”
The reports include information about students’ targets, their attitude to learning, their current performance, their predicted grades, their routines for learning and areas where they can make further progress.
To find out more about our new reports or the new GCSE Grading Structure click here