Curriculum Day encourages curiosity and debate

A day of activities was staged to enable our students to investigate big issues from different angles.
A day of activities was staged to enable our students to investigate big issues from different angles.
Our latest Curriculum Day was held on Friday and was designed to help our students develop their intellectual curiosity and their learning and investigation skills.
Students were asked to consider why issues are looked at in certain ways and what questions they raise.
Senior Assistant Principal Alice Beckwith said: "The curriculum enables students to study individual subjects but it does not necessarily expose them to the wider questions in life.
"Curriculum Day gave the students an opportunity to investigate thought provoking topics and encouraged debate and curiosity."
Our Sixth Formers held a debate about the European Election and researched whether the UK should stay in the European Union or leave it.
Some students polled voters in Corby to add to their research and their investigation ended with a Question Time session on the issue.
Our Year 7 students looked at diseases and cures in science. Staff presented the students with the scenario that there had been an outbreak of a disease and they had to investigate what it was and how to deal with it.
Our Year 9 and 11 students began their studies by looking at extremism in Syria and how that can be represented through the mediums of the media, music, the arts and design and technology.
Our Year 8 and 10 students worked with our mathematics, computer science and active staff on a project about sport.
They investigated what it takes to be a winner, cheating and ethics in sport. The students debated the issues, looked at propaganda and took part in a series of sports competitions to see if they could determine whether boys or girls are more competitive.
Students from Unit took part in a number of problem solving and independent enquiry activities.
These included creating a tower from balloons, producing a pasta dish from a small number of ingredients in our Ready, Steady, Cook challenge, a treasure hunt during which the students had to photograph items which they were asked to locate and a problem solving puzzle.
The students also took part in a Test Your Senses session which tested their senses of smell, taste and touch.
Teacher Caren Brown said: “The students really enjoyed the event and it was lovely to see the way they supported one another.
“They worked in mixed groups and made a lot of new friends.”
An evaluation of Curriculum Day is now taking place to help staff plan future activities.
To see more pictures from Curriculum Day click here
(A group of our Sixth Formers are pictured above leading the debate about the European Referendum)