Workshops reinforce the importance of education

A series of hard-hitting workshops were delivered to our Year 10 students as part of the Prison Me! No Way! programme.
A series of hard-hitting workshops were delivered to our Year 10 students as part of the Prison Me! No Way! programme.
The scheme is delivered by an educational charity to raise awareness among young people about the causes, consequences and penalties of crime.
It promotes education and encourages young people to stay safe, aspire and become law abiding citizens.
CBA Safeguarding Officer Elaine Pickford said: “We had seen the scheme being delivered at another school and thought it would be good for our students to see it because we were so impressed by the messages that were being put across.
“During the day the students covered a variety of topics, including the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, drugs, prison and prison cells.
“They learned it does not matter what background you are from – you can make one mistake and it can alter your life.
“The whole day reinforced the importance of education and thinking carefully about the choices we make.
“The students responded really well to it.”
To see more pictures from the day click here
(Our students are pictured above taking part in one of the Prison Me! No Way! workshops)