Readers challenged to join Millionaires Club

An exciting challenge has been launched at CBA to encourage our students to read even more.
An exciting challenge has been launched at CBA to encourage our students to read even more.
We have been running Accelerated Reader Millionaires Club sessions during Tutor Time and in English lessons.
We have challenged all our Year 7 and 8 students to join the club and to qualify most students will have to read a million words as part of the Accelerated Reader programme.
CBA Librarian Amy McKay said: “We use Accelerated Reader because it encourages our students to read independently in their own time.
“Lots of schools run Millionaires Clubs but we have set our club up slightly differently to ensure this is something everyone can aspire to take part in.
“To say every student has to read a million words is unfair because students have different reading abilities.
“It would be unfair to say to students in Unit who struggle with reading, but who are reading a lot and trying very hard, that they have to reach a million words and it would be unfair to say to very able readers that they only have to reach a million words.
“Our readers have been given different targets to reach to join the club and all our millionaires will take part in a celebration outside of lessons and receive a treat.”
(Pictured are students Lauren Butterworth, Charlotte Earl and Katie Thacker who have risen to the Millionaires Club challenge)