Happy Hands products in two stores
Our Young Enterprise company Happy Hands is showcasing its fantastic products in two stores in north Northamptonshire.
Our Young Enterprise company Happy Hands is showcasing its fantastic products in two stores in north Northamptonshire.
The company is continuing to sell its products at Sophie’s Attic in Weldon and has also got a range of its products in The Studio shop that was opened by Wren Spinney Community Special School in Kettering in November.
Teacher Nikki Clark said: “Our students are delighted to be working with The Studio as well as Sophie’s Attic.
“Last term and this term our students have been working at The Studio and have made some of their products on the premises.
“The Studio sells a range of craft and handmade products so our Happy Hands products fit in really well there.”
The range of Happy Hands products available at The Studio include folding shopping bags, teacup candles and teacup pincushions.
Sophie’s Attic is based at 15 High Street, Weldon, and The Studio can be found at 6 Lower Street, Kettering.
The Studio is open Monday to Friday between 10am and 2.30pm.
Happy Hands is made up of young entrepreneurs from our Unit.
To see pictures of our students at The Studio click here
(Pictured above are some of our Happy Hands entrepreneurs decorating their shopping bags at The Studio)