Youth Sport Trust gives CBA top award two years in a row

A national charity that champions sport in schools has given CBA one of its highest awards for the second year in a row.
A national charity that champions sport in schools has given CBA one of its highest awards for the second year in a row.
The Youth Sport Trust has once again awarded us its Silver Mark which the Trust only gives to schools that offer high quality Physical Education and physical activities.
To achieve the award schools must demonstrate that they have a clear vision for their provision of Physical Education, physical activity and school sport.
CBA Director of PE Amy Harris said: “We are delighted to have received the Youth Sport Trust’s Silver Mark for the second year in a row.
“The award recognises that we provide high quality Physical Education and give our students the chance to take part in a range of sporting opportunities outside of lessons.
“It also shows that we provide our students with the opportunities to become involved in a range of leadership roles.”