Students learn new skills with Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme
A second cohort of students has nearly completed its Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh awards.
A second cohort of students has nearly completed its Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh awards.
The students have been learning new skills, have taken part in volunteering opportunities and have completed their practice expeditions.
They are now preparing for their assessed expeditions.
CBA Duke of Edinburgh Awards Co-ordinator Natasha Barstow said: “The students did very well on their practice expeditions and the Silver group’s navigating skills in particular were brilliant.
“The Bronze group faced muddy conditions for their practice expedition but they coped very well and their camp craft skills were good.
“The experience taught them to divide up their group kit and although their teamwork skills were good they learned their skills could be improved if they listened more.
“The students have shown a real commitment to the programme and have been very good at attending their training sessions.
“I would like to say a big thank you to staff members Nigel Holt, Daniel Hempkin, James Aston, Sarah Ghost, Jordon Joseph and Christina Mangin for supporting our Duke of Edinburgh students.”
Our Silver group’s practice expedition took place in the Peak District and lasted three days and two nights.
Our Bronze group’s practice expedition took place in Rutland and lasted two days and one night.
The groups will take part in their assessed expeditions in June and July.
In July Year 8 students will be invited to enrol in next year’s Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award programme.
To see photos from this year’s Silver group’s practice expedition click here
(Pictured above are members of our Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award group during their practice expedition)