Presentation on changes to the Academy day
A presentation will be held on changes to the Academy's school day tomorrow evening (Tuesday 14th June).
A presentation will be held on changes to the Academy's school day tomorrow evening (Tuesday 14th June).
The Academy is altering the length of lesson times in response to national reforms within education which centre on the provision of a broad and balance suite of qualifications.
Senior Assistant Principal Alice Beckwith said: "Students will now be measured against each other based on a range of 8 subjects.
"For those students who aim to compete with the highest achieving students in the country, students who will go on to university, it is becoming more important that their range of qualification include the Ebacc which is a combination of subjects that must include English, Maths, Science, a language and either Geography or History.
"To accommodate the various pathways that our students will follow, and after a period of consultation, the Academy has decided to alter the timings of lesson within the school day.
"Our original 3 session day has worked well and has helped to maintain a calm atmosphere around the building, but we have become aware that for many students concentration over the long lessons can be a challenge.
"Recent subject reforms have resulted in more challenging course content and a greater emphasis on a wide range of knowledge that will all be tested in final exams with no course work or controlled assessments.
"This means that our teaching and learning will need to adapt to prepare students for these changes. It is our belief that shorter lessons will help students to concentrate more fully.
"The shorter lessons will also mean that options subjects will now see their students more than once a week giving greater opportunity for recapping and progressing and giving these subjects greater parity with the core subjects as they stand alongside them in progress measures.
"Change can be unsettling but to prepare for next year we are beginning to adapt the school day in Term 6 and we also have a new Vice Principal, Mr Kemp who will as part of his portfolio oversee and support staff and students through these changes.
"The key change for our students will be more movement around the school during the day and we will be rehearsing punctuality and readiness for learning throughout the next term.
"Could I take this opportunity to remind parents that students should come to school fully equipped so that the start of lessons are sharp and learning time is maximised."
There will be no change to the start or finish of each day.
The presentation will start at CBA at 6.30pm.