Young scientists visit Big Bang Fair

Dozens of our high attaining Year 7 students were given the chance to attend the Big Bang Fair at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.
Dozens of our high attaining Year 7 students were given the chance to attend the Big Bang Fair at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.
The fair is the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for young people in the UK.
This year it included a variety of workshops, shows and high profile exhibitors, including RAF Museum Cosford, Wolverhampton University, Festo, Intelligent Energy and Exotic Zoo.
CBA STEM Co-ordinator Gail King said: “Our students had the chance to explore a variety of science and engineering activities such as building structures and computer gaming.
“It showed them how they could apply their science skills in the outside world and introduced them to a variety of scientific careers, including careers in zoology.
“They had the chance to look around a lot of stalls and there were workshops that they could take part in. They also had the opportunity to listen to a talk about space.
“All the students enjoyed the trip and the interactive activities and they would like to go again in the future.”
(A group of our students learn about zoology at the Big Bang Fair)