The KS3 course is divided into six units of work which last approximately a term each. During each of these units students will have the opportunity to perform on their own instruments and are encouraged to bring them to every lesson.
Steel drums
Students will study the rhythmic characteristics of calypso. They will perform in a steel band and also have an opportunity to perform in front of a large audience as part of a summer concert.
70’s Disco
Students will compose and perform various pieces of 70’s disco. They will compose a 70’s disco piece using either garage band or logic and use the state of the art recording studio to record the final vocal track.
Irish Music
Students will perform various pieces of Irish music. They will compose a piece of Irish music based on music from the pentatonic scale. This will be based around a given structure.
Keyboard Music
Students will work individually on a series of differentiated keyboard pieces. They will be formally assessed at the end of the project and a certificate will be awarded and presented in assembly depending on the level achieved.
Riffs and loops
Students will listen to and perform various pieces of pop music based on riffs and loops. They will compose their own music featuring a number of riffs sing garage band.
Samba Drumming
Students will study the rhythmic characteristics of samba. They will perform in a samba band and also have an opportunity to perform in front of a large audience as part of a summer concert.
Solo performance project
Students will work towards a performance that will take place in front of the class. They will perform a solo piece of their choice that will be formally assessed.
At Corby Business Academy, one music room is equipped with 25 bespoke mac computers containing software such as garage band, logic and Sibelius. The other music room is equipped with 25 keyboards. We also have access to a set of steel drums, samba drums and ukuleles. In addition we have a state of the art recording studio.