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Parents Reading Group

Each term parents meet to discuss a book the group have chosen to read and make recommendations to one another. 

Each term parents meet to discuss a book the group have chosen to read and make recommendations to one another. The group are currently reading The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow by Katherine Woodfine.

Head librarian Miss Amy McKay said ‘All parents are welcome and can bring their children, it’s a nice small friendly group and we have cakes and squash.

‘I set the group up about a year a go as a way to engage with parents. It allows parents the opportunity to talk to Christina (Assistant Librarian) and me about their child’s reading. We suggest current books that students are interested in which they can try and use to encourage their child to read at home. Parents also suggest ideas to us too; it works both ways.

‘I often share my knowledge of YA (young adult) books with parents because they are really well written and can be very relatable to students. Studies show that if you are from a reading home, the children are more likely to read. We see the evidence here everyday.’

The group meets once a term on a Tuesday evening from 6-7pm. The next meeting is taking place on 28th February 2017. Any parents that want to know more information about the group can contact CBA’s Head Librarian Amy McKay via email: