Open Evening Success
Corby Business Academy welcomed over 800 visitors to their open evening, in which Year 6 students and their parents were able to take part in activities, talk with subject leaders and look around the facilities the Academy has to offer.
Throughout the evening there were presentations from the Associate Principal and the Head Boy and Girl explained what a typical day is like at CBA and what after school activities students can get involved in.
Families were then free to explore the building and participate in a range of interactive activities organised by the staff and students. In the main mall the art department put on a gallery to showcase students work and dance and music students gave a variety of performances throughout the evening.
Associate Principal Janina Taylor said ‘It was brilliant to see so many parents and children at the open evening. We have received very positive feedback; it was a great success. We look forward to welcoming new students to our Academy next year.’
To view more photos from the evening click here.