Christmas Concert - Wedensday 13th December at 7pm

We would like to take this opportunity to invite families of our students to our Christmas Concert at Corby Business Academy.
The concert will give you an opportunity to listen to the Senior and Junior Concert Bands as well as the Big Band, String Ensemble, CBA Vocalize and some extremely gifted soloists.
The Concert will take place at Corby Business Academy Theatre on Wednesday 13th December 2017 and will commence at 7pm. The Concert will finish at approximately 9pm. Refreshments will also be available on the evening.
Director of Music, Mr Clive Wears said ‘The students have been practicing very hard in the run up to the event. I hope you will join us on what I am sure will be a tremendous occasion.’
Tickets for the concert are free and will be available from Student Reception during normal opening hours. Please make sure you completely the reply slip on the letter attached if you wish to attend by Friday 8th December 2017.