Annual dance show sell out
To end the term, the dance department held a dance show to showcase students’ work and talents.
Friends, family and staff filled the main theatre for what was a spectacular evening celebrating the amazing choreography and dance routines the students ranging from Year 7 – 13 had produced in class and after school.
During the showcase, the audience witnessed a variety of solos, duets and group performances performed in styles such as musical theatre, contempory, acro/ballet and charleton.
Prinipal Ms Janina Taylor said: ‘I was told that this event was very popular every year at the Academy but this was my first since starting at the Academy as Associate Principal and it did not disappoint. The students performed to such a high standard and it was brilliant to see so many styles of dance throughout the duration of the evening.
‘We would like to say a special thank you to all those who have supported the students and came to watch them perform, the teaching staff who helped out, the AV team for the sound and lighting, the admin team for the programmes and tickets and a special thank you goes to Dance teacher Francia Dick who put the whole evening together and finally to the students themselves who have put in a great deal of time and effort.’
To see more photos from the event click here.