New student librarian initiative is launched

This year, for the first time at Corby Business Academy, we have launched a new student librarian initiative and appointed our first set of student librarians.
To become a librarian, the students had to go through a rigorous process, submitting an application form and taking part in an interview with a panel consisting of Head librarian Amy McKay, Assistant Librarian Christina Mangin and Senior Student Librarian Kiezer U.
Over 20 students applied for the role and 12 lucky students were awarded a place on the team. The students will now take it in turns to go on duty in the library during break and lunch times, issuing books to other students and stocking shelves.
The newly appointed librarians recently took part in their first training session where their key duties were explained. The students were taught how to use he system, practised scanning and issuing books and wrote a library code of conduct, before being presented their prestigious student librarian badges.
Head Librarian Amy McKay said: ‘Due to the quick lunch turn around on the previous school structure we were unable to let students help out in the library. We would constantly have students who were keen to help out so we are delighted that we are now able to on the new structure. This will also allow us to formerly recognise the students for their work.
‘Kiezer has always been in the library at every opportunity, helping to stack shelves, arrange stands and support events. Due to his hard work and dedication we decided to award him the title of Senior Student Librarian. Kiezer will help to manage the other students and will be there to offer support and guide the student librarians through their duties.
‘The students’ new roles will allow them to take on more responsibility within school and develop key transferable skills. The students will meet termly to discuss ideas and received further training. Over time they will be given more opportunities to take on extra duties and support library events.
‘We are really excited about this new library venture and we hope this is something we can expand on going forward.’
Congratulation to everyone who has made it onto the new student librarian team, the successful candidates are as follows:
Annabelle W
Darius H
Emily C
Emily D
Hannah K
Jack T
Jasmine M
Kyia S
Lucy D
Ollie B
Sean P
Zuzanna A
Kiezer U