Students learn the dangers of knife crime and drug running

During the last few weeks, PSCO Steve Coles has delivered thought-provoking presentations to our students focusing on a range of crimes that are currently proving prominent across the county.
Year 9 students explored knife crime while Year 10 students focused on drug running and gangs.
Both sets of students took part in myth busting activities, a true or false exercise and learnt key definitions. The students then watched a combination of fictional stories and real life cases to promote discussion and explore choices while illustrate the potential consequences.
At the end of the sessions, students learnt whom they should report concerns to and found out how they can report concerns via Fearless, a crime reporting website specifically for young people.
PSCO Steve Coles, from the Neighbourhood Policing Team said: ‘ We are experiencing these issues in our county and it is important that we understand as a school and as part of the wider community how to respond.’
Vice Principal Mr Brennan said: ‘We feel it is our duty to ensure our students are fully informed on the issues taking place in the local area. This ensures that students are able to make educated decisions if they ever become victim to these crimes or witness them. As part of the community we feel we have a responsibility to inform, educate and prevent the issues taking place. We are very grateful to PSCO Steve Coles for coming into the Academy to support us with teaching our students about these important matters.’
To find out more information about crimes or report a concern via the fearless website, please click here.