Musicians perform in Regional series of MFY

Over the weekend, our Senior Concert Band and Big Band performed in the regional series of the National Festival of Music for Youth, at Northampton School for Girls.
Each band performed a 10-minute programme, featuring songs such as Sky Fall, Encanto and Bohemian Rhapsody, for a chance to perform in the National Festival.
Head of School Mr Simon Underwood said: ‘I am so proud of the Academy and our musicians who showed everything we are and continue to be at Corby Business Academy. The judges' comments summed up what our Academy is about:
“Natural group cohesion”, “Obvious care and expression” and “Poised and focused”
‘Great performances from everyone and thank you to all students and staff involved.’
The Music for Youth Regional Festivals take place between February and April in almost 50 locations nationwide and see over 40,000 musicians perform.
Approximately 10 groups go through from each region, and if successful our musician’s will have the opportunity to perform in venues such as the Symphony Hall in Birmingham as part of the National Festival of Music for Youth, in July.
Director of Music, Mr Clive Wears said: ‘We take part in the regional competition each year and have had the privilege to perform at the National Festival in previous years. The festival provides a wonderful opportunity for our young musicians to perform and share their passion for music. The students have the chance to listen to other group performance, meet other young musicians and receive advice from experts in the industry.