Students prepare for Duke of Edinburgh expeditions
Around 25 students from Years 9-12 have recently taken part in a practice walk in preparation for their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions.
The students, who are currently working towards either bronze or silver awards, took part in a 12km walk around the Corby/Gretton around in poor weather conditions. The walk tested students’ skills in areas such as map reading, teamwork, leadership and orienteering.
Throughout the programme the students have also been learning a range of other new skills and have participated in volunteering, physical and skills activity sections which each last for over 3-6 months, depending on the accreditation level they are working towards.
Duke of Edinburgh's Awards Co-ordinator Miss Davison said: The students showed great teamwork and navigation skills despite the poor weather conditions.
'The practice walks have really helped the students identified their weaker areas in preparation for their assessed expeditions.'
The groups will now take place in their practice and assessed expeditions during June and July where students on the bronze award programme will take part in two days of walking and one night of camping and the students on the silver award programme will take participate in three days of walking with two nights camping, walking for approximately 6 hours per day.