Year 7 Castle Project

Year 7 have been learning about the Mediaeval World and the changes the Normans brought to England, especially Corby and Weldon.
Standing in the heart of Rockingham Forest, the local area was greatly affected by the Norman invasion. The word ‘forest’ was first used by the Normans and basically meant ‘keep out’. The strict forest laws created the ‘Gangs of Corby’ led by our own Robyn Hode. Looking down across the forest was the imposing Rockingham Castle, which was improved and enlarged over the centuries.
Castle development has been a focus for the Year 7 lessons and students were set the task of creating their very own historically accurate Norman fortification. A wide range of materials and formats were used ranging from Lego to Minecraft software and cake mix to cardboard.
A splendid display showing hundreds of hours of conscientious work were the result