Mars Day
On Monday 14th March Year 7 students had the chance to explore Mars.
This is an exciting event for Year 7 students to explore Mars with support from the UK Space Education office and STEM Learning, celebrating NASA Perseverance Rover's first month on Mars.
The day aloud the students to engage and to develop a love of learning within STEM subjects Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.
The students enjoyed hearing talks and watching videos throughout the day, including Life on other Planets, Engineering in Space and Food in Space.
One talk during the day was about Food in Space, where students heard about the varied diets, which is similar to the ones we eat on Earth. It was interesting to hear the International Space Menu includes over 100 items, from vegetables, fruit, pre-prepared meals and desserts. Condiments such as ketchup and mustard are also available.
Foods taken into space are pre-planned by the mission team and are often chosen by the astronauts themselves. The students were asked to decide what they would take into space and how this will be suitable as all food will need to have the nutrients and energy in every meal, be easily prepared, lightweight and vacuumed packed, so it can last in space for a long period of time.
Some suggestion from Year 7 was Mac and cheese bites, yoghurts and tortilla Wrap.
Kacey in Year 7 enjoyed the day, in particular the video talks which she found very interesting.