Fundraising for Florence

For our Parents and Carers who are not aware, A little 5-year-old called Florence from Corby is currently suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and really needs your help. The family need to raise £500K in order to access life-saving treatment for her.
It’s amazing to see the love, kindness and the Corby Community come together to support Florence and Corby Business Academy wants to help and play a part.
We are supporting Florence by doing a mufti day on Friday 15th July. Any donation big or small will be much appreciated. We will also be hosting different activities all around the school to help raise as much money as possible.
Florence Story
Florence Bark, was a healthy and happy five-year-old until just a few weeks ago, when her and her family’s lives changed overnight. She felt unwell in the middle of the week and within a few days was sadly diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) starting chemotherapy the very same evening.
Initially, the family were told Florence would be in hospital until at least November receiving treatment. Unfortunately, her situation has since worsened and is deteriorating quickly. She urgently needs a bone marrow transplant but no match has been found to date. It has also now recognised that the likelihood of the transplant being successful is significantly lower for Florence as she is in a high-risk category due to a rare gene arrangement that affects less than 10% of children with AML – the worst luck given only 100 children a year are diagnosed with the AML to begin with.
Florence, her family and the wider Corby community she is part of, are still hopeful. The first step is to find a donor in the next six weeks through raising awareness and getting more people on the donor register at This will give Florence the best chance of finding a match. If unsuccessful, the next step is car T-cell therapy. Regrettably, this is not available on the NHS and would require at least £500k for the treatment. As such, fundraising has begun already at: