World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024
Across the Academy, various activities were held for World Book Day yesterday. Both Mainstream and Unit students got to get involved in the fun!
Staff and students in the Unit Provision had a busy couple of days celebrating ‘World Book Day!’ Each base group chose a book by Roald Dahl. Teachers then planned activities across the curriculum for the day around the theme of the book. Staff dressed up as characters from their books and students spent time taking part in activities linked to their book theme. 4B were ‘Book Fairies’; students visited the Priors Hall community and delivered book gifts in the park for children to find today. 5B enjoyed following instructions to make Peach Melba Cocktails, linked to their book - ‘James and the Giant Peach’. 3A used ICT to digitally redesign the book cover for their book - ‘Boy’. 3B and 3Y enjoyed creating Mr Twit’s beard using shredded wheat, chocolate and jelly worms! At tutor time students also had fun taking part in a Roald Dahl themed quiz in their house groups, accessed our ‘Book Swap’ area and took part in a ‘Guess the Book Title’ competition. Students have enjoyed showcasing their work by displaying it on their classroom doors. Yesterday was finished off by a live Teams, grand opening of chocolate bars to see who was lucky enough to win a ‘Golden Ticket’. The winners received a book in our assembly today along with other prize winners for taking part in the activities.
Also, our Academy Library took part in other different activities. This included a spin the wheel competition where each student could win a book each time along with a selection of sweets, and some were even lucky enough to win a golden ticket within certain books to earn a love to shop voucher. They also had other different competitions running throughout the Library. It was nice to see so many students get involved.
Please see the link below for all our photos from World Book day.