Memory Tips And Techniques
Staff from Inspire Education, a company which delivers motivational workshops in schools, spent the morning with Year 9 students on Monday (May 8th) to help them develop their memories and learn tricks to aid exam success.
They discussed learning styles - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic - and demonstrated how to apply each learning style to remember facts.
Using the techniques, students learnt how to say one to ten in Cantonese in less than three minutes, by using actions to remember a story (pictured).
They also learnt the first ten countries to enter the EU in alphabetical order after going on a mental 'journey' through a house to remember key words.
Felicia Field, who led the workshop, said: "These are skills for life - I still use these techniques now so it's not just a short term thing.
"You can apply most of these techniques to just about anything - in History, for example, we teach students how to remember facts and how to match a date to an event."
Inspire Education will return to CBA in 5 weeks to run a competition and to supply resources that teachers will be able to use in the future.
Students who do well in the competition will be invited to take part in the final of the UK Schools Memory Championship on July 19th.