Kirsty Named Teacher Of The Year In Education Awards
Judges said the student testaments supporting Mrs Farrar's nomination helped her to clinch the coveted award.
Mrs Farrar, a History teacher who is head of raising aspirations at the Academy, was revealed as the winner at the awards ceremony last night (Wednesday, July 13th).
She said she was overwhelmed to win, saying: "I am very privileged to work with all the young people that I do, they make my job very worthwhile.
"I also want to thank all the staff and students who have sent me cards and good luck messages, I feel very special."
CBA's Librarian Amy McKay, who nominated Mrs Farrar, said: "It was a great night and so nice to see all her hard work recognised.
"I've never known anybody work so hard and be as dedicated as Kirsty is; I honestly can't think of a more deserving winner.
"The huge number of projects and activities she organises is impressive enough, but when coupled with her bubbly personality, her passion for learning and the genuine warmth she shows all students, she really is the very best teacher imaginable.
"The judges said that just reading about her inspired them, that they had hundreds of entries and she'd done phenomenally well to beat them all off.
"They said they'd never received nominations sent by students so full of obvious respect, appreciation and love before."
Mrs Farrar has been instrumental in the success of the Children's University programme at CBA, which rewards students for their after-school activities.
She has also overseen the Human Utopia project which aims to help students' self-esteem and motivation.
In a supporting statement for Mrs Farrar's nomination, student Charlotte Bean said: "Words can't really express the colossal gratitude students hold for Mrs Farrar as there is nothing she won't do for a student.
"Mrs Farrar is the most devoted teacher I have ever met and no matter how busy she gets she will find time for you; whether it be a personal problem or you want some work marking.
"In the five years she has taught me she has been the most helpful, cheerful, motivated, funny and friendly teacher. Our grades have excelled whilst under the care of Mrs Farrar.
"I am proud I have met an inspirational women like her and any student taught by her is one of the luckiest in the country."