From Student To Staff
Former Deputy Head Boy Richard is now helping other students after becoming one of the new team of LSAs at CBA.
Richard, who previously helped out on CBA reception and with transport duties while a student, has taken his first paid employment and is happy to remaining at CBA.
He said: "I applied for the job because I thought it would be interesting and was really pleased when I got it.
"I think it will help that I know so many of the faces and hopefully this will assist me with my new role.
"It does feel strange though, turning from a student to a member of staff, but I am sure that I will soon get used to it."
Head of Learning Support Jennifer Anderson said: "We were really pleased to see Richard apply for the position of Learning Support Assistant. His hard work and dedication to the school and the students while in his role as Deputy Head Boy meant he was a real asset to the school. He will be a valuable role model to the students that he supports."