European Languages Day
On September 26th the Academy was given a multicultural flavour as students were invited to speak in and learn more about different languages.
French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Lugandan (the language of Uganda) and Fanti (a Ghanaian language) were among the languages that students discovered more about.
As part of the day all students had a dedicated assembly, in which staff and some students spoke in languages other than English.
Year 8 students learned some Spanish and German as well as new French vocabulary as they completed a puzzle of famous landmarks and Year 7 learned more about languages in the world through a 'Qui sera Millionaire?' quiz.
Some Sixth Form Math lessons were also part given in Fanti.
And it was not just confined to the classrooms, as the restaurant menus were translated into French, German and Spanish, staff and GCSE French students wore badges displaying words in different languages.
Director of Modern Languages Karen Turney said: "Twenty-five languages are represented at the Academy and we are proud of this linguistic diversity."