Students Interview the Prime Minister at Number 10
William Bell and Harry Tompkins also grilled Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg and Labour Leader Ed Milliband as part of the BBC School Report project, which Corby Business Academy has been involved in for the past few months.
Along with ten other students from schools across the country the Year 9 students took the Prime Minister and the other party leaders to task on the issues of concern to young people.
Will, who asked David Cameron about the issue of funding cuts that local council’s are having to make said: “It was a great experience, although it was quite nerve wracking.
“It has changed my opinion about politicians and I do now have a lot of respect for what the Prime Minister does as it is a very stressful job and involves a huge amount of responsibility.”
Harry, who posed questions to all three leaders about unemployment rates and immigration said: “I feel quite privileged as we got to do things that many people will never experience.
“Inside 10 Downing Street was incredible, there were some really impressive paintings and furniture inside. The Prime Minister was impressive – and much taller than I had imagined.”
After a one-day training workshop at BBC Television Centre in London on Wednesday (March 7th) the students undertook a full day of interviews on Thursday, March 8th with the famous politicians, before finishing with a 5pm interview with the country’s most powerful man.
The interviews will be broadcast to millions of people on national television as well as various websites and radio channels.
Corby Business Academy was selected by the BBC to be one of six schools to take part in the leader interviews because of the enthusiastic way it has participated in the BBC School Report Project.
Led by English and Media Teacher Claire Howsam students have undergone journalistic training and put together last term’s school magazine. The project will culminate on Wednesday, March 15th when our student team of 14 reporters will join with student teams from across the country to film the news from the day.
Miss Howsam said: “The BBC School Report has been a fantastic project for our students. It has taught them news values and encouraged them to engage in current affairs.
“To be chosen to take part in the Leader Interviews is a great honour and we are very proud of the way William and Harry have represented CBA.
“They have had the opportunity to do what most of us will never do – put their concerns direct to the Prime Minister.”
Acting Principal John Henrys said: “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the Prime Minister and put to him the issues facing young people in today’s society.
“Over the past few months there have been a number of successful projects that have raised the profile of media and communication across the Academy.
“This has come to the attention of media professionals and we hope that following this event there will be further opportunities within this field for our students.”
A gallery of photographs taken by teacher Simon Smith is available to view here