Uganda Funds Increase thanks to Disco
A fancy dress disco in aid of the annual Uganda trip has raised more than £500.
More than two thirds of the £3000 funds needed for the trip has now been raised following the successful over 18s event held at the Grampian Club on June 5th.
Year 11 students Ellie Moore and Amber Garrett organised the event, sourcing many free items, such as hall hire, to make sure the event filled up the Uganda cash pot.
Teacher Kim Isaksen, who will be attending the international conference at the Discovery Centre in October with Ellie and Sixth Form student Klaudia Chalubinska, said: “Fancy dress ranged from punk to rock and roll and even included our own team of CBA police officers who were keen to dish out fines for unfortunate outfits and other misdemeanours. A great night was had by all and we would like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff, sixth formers, family and friends who supported it.
Over the past six months the Uganda fundraising team, has raised more than £2,000 running events including cake stalls, a race night, selling fortune cookies and Valentines hearts and roses.
Future events will comprise of a weekend working at Silverstone, a sweet stall at Foxton Locks Festival, a darts tournament as well a team of students turning their hands to waitressing at a local street party.
Mrs Isaksen said: “The students have worked exceptionally hard to juggle their studies with the huge amount of work this trip has involved so far. They should be extremely proud of their efforts.”
Any money raised over the £3,000 total will go towards buying books for the Discovery Centre library which was established by last year’s visiting group.