Students set to show off their film at the Imperial War Museum

A group of students are set to travel to London to see a film they created being screened at the Imperial War Museum.
The group of 10 students have been working since February on the film. They were given a brief to create a film on the theme of ‘Building a Truce’.
The students visited the Imperial War Museum in March, where they interviewed museum visitors on camera for their film. The group also interviewed family and friends for the production.
The students edited their footage themselves to create the final film, which is 5 minutes long.
Group members Matthew Ford, Emily Russell and Shona Duncan, who are all in Year 8, will travel back to the Imperial War Museum on Friday, September 21, with Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator Claire Howsam to see the film being screened there.
The students’ film is set to be shown alongside a film made by the Imperial War Museum’s own staff.
Matthew said: “It was all about building a truce. We thought about it and we all decided to figure out what a truce was.
“We all had our own ideas of what a truce was and we filmed each other saying it.”
Emily said: “It was quite hard work doing the editing, we had to make sure there were no gaps and it all fitted together.
“It will be nice to see the film shown at the museum but I’m nervous about what peoples’ reactions are going to be.”
Shona said: “Everyone in the group had different jobs and roles to play.
“I’m glad the film is finished. When I saw it for the first time I was really proud.”
Miss Howsam said: “I’m exceptionally proud. It was such a hard project because they had to come up with the ideas themselves.
“It was a proper media project, they did it from conception to realisation and they were working with a brief provided to professional media companies, it was challenging.
“It really was a huge level of commitment from all of them.”