Corby Business Academy rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted
Corby Business Academy has been rated ‘Good’ following our recent Ofsted inspection.
Inspectors visited on October 11 and 12 and have just published a report of their findings.
The Academy was rated at Good (Level 2) for overall effectiveness and received Good (Level 2) ratings across the board in the four areas inspectors look at – achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety of pupils and leadership and management.
The team of inspectors found 84% of lessons to be good or better, stating that it was clear that teachers had “high expectations” of students.
The inspection found that students “enjoy being at the academy”, their attendance is “above average” and they “behave well in and out of lessons.”
Other comments made in the report include:
“In lessons, students are diligent and attentive”
“Staff are proud to work for the academy and are highly committed to its success”
“Around the academy, behaviour is good and students are clearly proud and happy to be members of the academy”
“The academy has an ethos which is inclusive”
Principal John Henrys said: “The very pleasing outcome of the Ofsted inspection is as a result of the hard work that’s gone in since the academy opened. The foundations laid by Dr Andrew Campbell in the first two years of the academy’s life have allowed us to rapidly improve attainment and progress of students.
“During the inspection students were clearly very proud of the academy and worked hard to ensure the inspectors got the best representation of what Corby Business Academy has to offer”.
“The Ofsted inspectors have confirmed our self-evaluation and we feel that this gives us a good platform to move to become an outstanding school in the next three years”.
“We will continue to work hard to improve outcomes for all of our students in order to exceed national expectations”.
“The outcomes of the inspection reflect the hard work of both staff and students and everybody involved with the academy is very proud. We will continue to strive to be the best.”
To read the full Ofsted report click here.