Lots of new Manga books in the library
Around 60 new books have been added to the library’s selection of Manga titles.
Around 60 new books have been added to the library’s selection of Manga titles.
Librarian Amy McKay said: “A lot of the Year 10 boys are Manga enthusiasts but one is a real expert. At the start of term we asked him to choose some new Manga graphic novels and set him some money aside from the budget.
“The Manga books are so popular, we have students from all year groups reading them.”
The new titles are from Manga series including Naruto, Vampire Knight and Full Metal Alchemist.
Year 10 student Kit Panther said: “I started reading Manga novels last year, they are easy to read.”
Year 10 student Bradley McKinnon said: “I find them interesting, they are just different to normal books.”