Students meet the Education Secretary at Futures Fair
A group of Year 10 CBA students met the Education Secretary Michael Gove at a fair based around planning their future careers.
The students also met Daventry MP Chris Heaton-Harris, who spoke about the choices that young people can make about their careers at the Futures Fair event.
The event took place on Wednesday, November 7, at the Holiday Inn in Corby.
During the fair students took part in a number of discussions on topics including planning their future, how to get employer’s attention and looking at the barriers to employment.
There were talks to inspire, motivate and encourage the students from David Jackson from Nital Training and Development, Laura-Jan Rawlins from Youth Employment UK/Inspire 2 Exceed and Jo Garner from Connexions.
Senior Assistant Principal Andrea Callender said: “This was a rewarding seminar which allowed the students to think about their future career choices.”