Students hold another meeting on bus shelter campaign

Students who want a bus shelter put in place at the bus stop outside CBA met with council and bus company representatives to try and further their campaign.
Students discussed their thoughts on the matter with borough and county councillor John McGhee at the last meeting of the CBA Senate on November 20.
And the four Sixth Formers who are part of the Senate – Head Boy David Graham, Head Girl Ellie Mae Moore and Sixth Form representatives Andile Chiwuta and Morium Akter – held another meeting on their campaign today (Wednesday, November 28).
The group met with Cllr McGhee, Northamptonshire County Council’s principal public transport development officer John Ellerby, John Drew, operations manager of Stagecoach and Adrian Hayes, operations manager of Centrebus.
The four students asked how they could take their campaign forward and discussed their reasons for wanting a shelter.
David asked the visitors what the Sixth Formers could do to help to speed up the process of getting the bus shelter. He said: “Where the bus stop is now is perfect really, we just need a shelter.”
The Sixth Formers are now set to write to the managing director of Stagecoach and meet with Corby Borough Council chief executive Norman Stronach to discuss the campaign.