CBA hosts regional Spelling Bee
Students from eight schools from all over the East Midlands travelled to Corby Business Academy last week to compete in the regional final of a Modern Foreign Languages Spelling Bee.
Students from eight schools from all over the East Midlands travelled to Corby Business Academy last week to compete in the regional final of a Modern Foreign Languages Spelling Bee.
Students from schools in Stamford, Spalding, Derby, Leicester and Lincoln travelled to Corby for the Routes Into Languages Spelling Bee event on Wednesday, March 6th.
A team of four students and one reserve – Courtney Smith, Matthew Croyden, Rebecca Sawford, Joshua Rogers and Lewis Viner – represented Corby Business Academy at the event after months of practising.
The challenge to students was to know and to spell out the most words correctly in French, Spanish or German within one minute.
CBA’s Director of Modern Foreign Languages, Karen Turney, said: “It was a great honour to host the East Midlands regional final of the competition at Corby Business Academy for the second year running.
“The performances from the students who took part were extremely impressive.”